Emma Thompson: By the Book

Written By Unknown on Kamis, 20 September 2012 | 08.45

The actress and author of a new children's book, "The Further Tale of Peter Rabbit," has contemplated throwing the writer Michel Houellebecq across a room.

What book is on your night stand now? 

"Mary Poppins," by P. L. Travers. "Dancing to the Precipice," by Caroline Moorehead. "Bring Up the Bodies," by Hilary Mantel. I've always got two or three on the go. 

What was the last truly great book you read? 

"Wolf Hall," by Hilary Mantel. It was a marvel. 

Any literary genre you simply can't be bothered with? 

Horror. I can't manage it. I become — well — horrified. Self-help books have a similar effect. 

A young, aspiring actress wants your advice on what to read. What books do you suggest? 

"A Strange Eventful History," by Michael Holroyd, because it's so interesting about the discipline of acting. Any biography on Marilyn Monroe, just to convey the pointless destructiveness of fame. 

What's your favorite Shakespeare? 

"King Lear." The most humane portrait of the human condition I know. 

If you could require the president to read one book, what would it be? The prime minister? 

The president — any president — could usefully acquaint him/herself with Walt Kelly's cartoon strip of Pogo Possum living in the swamps of Georgia. Very perspicacious about politics. The prime minister might revisit Geoffrey Willans's "Molesworth," which is so illuminating about the character and habits of little boys. I am not being rude. Both president and prime minister have to deal with a great quantity of childish behavior. 

What was the last book that made you cry? 

I was on holiday years ago with "Corelli's Mandolin." Rendered inconsolable and had to be put to bed for the afternoon. 

The last book that made you laugh? 

In Wells Tower's first collection of short stories, there is a description of a mouse emerging from behind a fridge eating a coupon which made me laugh for a good 10 days. 

The last book that made you furious? 

In Michel Houellebecq's "The Elementary Particles," there's a passage on cruelty which includes a granny, a little boy and a pair of secateurs. I hurled the book across the room and would have hurled Michel too, had he been in reach. 

Name a book you just couldn't finish. 

"Les Misérables." I agreed with him on all fronts and finally just became sort of exhausted. 

What were your favorite books as a child? Did you have a favorite character or hero? 

All of Joan Aiken, Alan Garner, Leon Garfield and John Masefield. In particular — "The Wolves of Willoughby Chase" (Aiken), "The Weirdstone of Brisingamen" (Garner), "The Box of Delights" (Masefield) and "The Strange Affair of Adelaide Harris" (Garfield). 

As far as heroes — from the age of 10, it was Sherlock Holmes. Before that, probably Asterix. 

What's the best book your mother ever gave you to read? 

I had my heart broken for the first time when I was 16. My mother gave me "War and Peace," which, in three volumes, soaked up a lot of the tears. 

If you could meet any writer, dead or alive, who would it be? What would you want to know? 

I wasn't sure how to answer this one so I discussed it with my 12-year-old daughter. She suggested Plato. I was impressed. So Plato it is. I think I'd want to ask him how he'd imagine life had changed by 2012. 

Have you ever written to an author? Did he or she write back? 

I wrote to René Goscinny when I was 7 or 8, a fan letter about Asterix. He wrote back, saying that he was very proud to have made a little English girl laugh.

You're organizing a literary dinner party and inviting three writers. Who's on the list? 

Sappho, for a bit of ancient gender politics; Aphra Behn for theater gossip; and George Eliot because everyone who knew her said she was fascinating. All women, because they know how to get talking about the nitty-gritty so quickly and are less prone to telling anecdotes. I'd have gone for Jane Austen if I weren't convinced she'd just have a soft-boiled egg and leave early.

What's the best book by an actor you've ever read? 

I've never read a book by an actor. I was brought up by actors. All my family are actors. I'm an actor. Give me a break. 

Of all the literary adaptations you've acted in, which is your favorite? 

I love "Remains of the Day" — Ruth Prawer Jhabvala adapted Ishiguro's book so brilliantly that both film and book lose nothing and gain so much. Tony Hopkins is at his best. Selfishly though, "Sense and Sensibility" must take precedence because there's nothing to compare to the experience of acting something you've spent five years adapting whilst convinced that it will never be made. 

What's the best movie based on a book you've seen recently? 

"The Social Network." I admired it in a kind of breathless fashion. 

If you could play any character from literature, who would it be? 

I've plumped for Barnaby Rudge since I've been in love with him for 35 years and he could just as easily be played by a girl as a boy. I'd like to explore my inner idiot. 

PS. My daughter suggested Peter Rabbit.

20 Sep, 2012

Source: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/09/23/books/review/emma-thompson-by-the-book.html?partner=rss&emc=rss
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